Wrist Menu - Buttons

Now for the buttons I made it so there was 3 buttons each doing a different function, Play Sound, Reset and Quit. I then made it so when the player hovers over the buttons it highlights it in a colour, the reset and quit both are highlighted red while play sound is blue.

Next I made it so that when the player presses the trigger on the left controller it would represent pressing the button which was done in the pawn.

Lastly, I had to make each button do something so for the play sound I created a On Clicked event and called a function called Play Sound 2D which I then passed in an audio file I imported, for the reset button I once again called a On Clicked event and called a function called Open Level (by Name) and passed in the level name and lastly the quit button once again called an On Clicked event and called a function called Quit Game.

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